Mood: balanced
Okay, Uncle dondie is here. YAY for that. I got some presents from the philippines.
Back to last night.
Last night was pretty awesome. it was fun.
We brought sawsy to fuds. and she was surprised to see Noor and Eman there.
Me and Yasy sneaked off to get the cake at baskin robins. We hid the cake with the staff.
lol. We wait until, the waitress came and asked 'kakanta ba kami?' 'do we sing?' I said 'yes, please'
so they lit the candles and the staff sang for sawsy. it embarrassed her. lol.
It was fun the staff was nice.
Noor and Eman made a giant card for sawsy along with other presents.
I drew myv on the front.
After food :
And I finished it!
Then we went to costas. and went to yasys house. and hung out in sawsys room. YAY! I played with her patrick. and installed her sims. <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">
Guitars and Basses RULE!
i hope u guys dont do anything for me next year >_>
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