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looook large font!

Nada went to prom and she looked pretty. lol so did everyone else. I felt a sense of envy you know. cause all my siblings will be or already have been to the prom while I stayed at home by myself like always. Solitude is a scary thing. Impetuous I find it.
I wasn't home the whole day yesterday. I was for like an hour to 10 minutes and then left again. thats what sucks so much. I slept in today. I woke up at 8. I usually wake up at 6:50 to do my work. but I didn't. DAMN IT! I did my Filipino while in the salon waiting for Nada to finish with her hair. After I'm done doing whatever on the pc. I'll take a shower and finish my math so I can do my Physics and have only 13-14 Books left.
While alone in my room, I rewrote my story. I have no idea whats its called yet. I'll get something. I'll soon upload some of the stories I wrote. I guess... I'll add a link here. I also finished Weight on water by Anita Shreve. I only took 2 days reading it. Its because I'm used to reading victorian novels that i read really fast and shit. Modern Novels are too cut down and simple. It lacks sense of emotion, or passion. Well, maybe its just Anita's writing. Victorian Novels have detail and ardent passion, and more LARGE paragraphs. Though its nice reading something new.
Mill on the floss kinda sucked. cause both the main characters died at the end. Sad ain't it.
get this, I just read something that really shocked me and really explains something. Tora of alice nine. is 1/4 American. One of his grandparents is American. Which explains why his accent when he speaks English is so not cute japanese. lol Luv ya Tora-shi. <3>
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