listening: Coming closer - L'arc~en~ciel
Yesterday was fun.
Ice skating, bowling and fooze ball(how ever you spell it.)
I got bruises on my legs cause of Ice skating I dont know how I got it but I got it.
We walked around Marina Park. Made fun of dudes. Played football, volleyball and American Football. TACKLE! We were trying to get in Marina Coral Club. Cause we're pathetic. Hehe
While waiting for Uncle Noy to come. There was these 2 guys who we all think we're drunk harassed uncle don. Cause well he's gay. There were so many of us. All girls ofcourse. The only boys were Uncle don and the 3 kids (Monsour, Josh and Naser). Okay, they touch uncle don at first and called him bakla. When they came back Tita Lani told them "NO". Then like always my temper got to me and I told them to "Back Off". Then they said to Uncle Don "I want to fuck you". then mom, yasy and I. flipped. I told them "fuck off, back off, or I'll call the police, you are harassing us." They left and came back again. This time Yasy took action. She started swearing in arabic. Then she kicked one of them. She was wearing heels soo thats a good thing. She said khaneefa. or something like that. I can't spell arabic in english. >_> Saudians. really. The guys close to us said they we're.
anyways It was fun.... ish.

There are so much more. Yasy or Sawsy, if you want the pics. IM me! <3
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