pic... cause I'm vain.

Went to dance practice at AMA university. I'm paired with Ej. crap.
Umm met new friends. Emer and JP. Jp is nadas partner. I'll be dancing with him as well when we change partners. I can't dance btw. Gah. I think Jp likes me. Lets see here. Umm hes always standing next to me, He wanted to see my hair down, He tried lifting me, He laid on my lap, He said "Your boyfriend is going to kill me because of this" while we were dancing I only said "What boyfriend? I dont have one". That was a great way to find out whether or not I had a boyfriend. Haha. oh joy.
Hes sweet and nada gets along with him. Which is a good sign. haha.
I think he'll be texting soon.
After pratice we had a hard time finding a ride to funland. We ended up taking a freaking taxi.
It was mary's late bday party. Skated, then walked to mcdonalds. Hung around till mauree came with robbie and Kal.
I have a lot on my mind. I can't type everything down here cause... well ren reads this. ._.
Oh yea ren, Hedgehog in japanese is Harinezumi.
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