Okie, first of all... The Title is completely and utterly nonsense...
Well, not really.
Work has been eventful. I've been doing some things, important things, things that had deadlines and all. Which I found really pressuring at times. Lol.
I'm glad its already the weekend. But then again its ending so soon and its kinda depressing.
One more week left then October is over.
And I thought it was just the beginning of everything.
I took a risk. I just realized it.
What a fucking mess I say.
I'm actually happy with my job and with my love.
Now, all I need is actual money that I earn from my own blood and sweat. That would be the day. Oh wellz.
I seriously want to improve my Japanese again.
I'm still bad at it. All I know are the basics.
Speaking of Japanese.
I did a cover of alice nine's RAINBOWS this afternoon. weee~
Nada was being funny as fuck.
Watch it to amuse yourself.~
Me and Renz had a gap between us and I suddenly felt really really afraid that I would lose him the way I lost... yea. It was a nasty loss I tell you. A lot of pain was caused and I didn't take it very well. After all that, I think I went all a little bitter and angry. But in the end I realized it wasn't my fault. It was just another thing that had to happen.
I just read that a 10 year old boy self-taught himself 10 different languages!
My GOD! if I was that disciplined at that age and younger I would already be fluent in Japanese, Arabic, and Madarin.
DAMN! I'm going to start learning Japanese again~ wooohooo~
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