Friday, November 30, 2007
the professor
Okay.... I seriously want to finish. The professor. I probably will tomorrow. >_> I hope my CD gets here tomorrow. yes, sometimes mail gets to me on Saturdays. why? I have no idea. I just wrote a fanfic. Kabuto and Orochimaru. >_> Im such a fangirl. its pretty random. I just wanted to write something. >_> they die at the end. hahahahaha I'm evil. >_<
December..... is in a few hours.
OMG! In a few hours. Its the first of december! I mean. WTF!!! I'm trying to get 30 posts before december cause. well, there are 30 days in november. DUH!!!
thanking ppl on DA
It has been 18 minutes. I am currently randomly thanking ppl for the fav on DA. so many people. over 100. >_> I hate my life sometimes. I cant live without thanking people. I know I'm weird.
Okay... Fanfiction
I've been thinking. instead of making my own characters. I could like take up like anime characters like axelxroxas and so on and so forth. I mean I would love to write shit again. I would enjoy it greatly. though, I have no idea where to post it. I'm 15 and I'm not really allowed in yaoi sites. yet. 3 more years than I can actually register and start posting up some of my stuff.
and I dont want to post it up here cause people read this, and this isn't a fanfiction blog. so yeah.
I was thinking of doing. OrochimaruXKabuto slash. I love that pairing. master slave and crap. all I have to do is add some angst and it would be great exceedingly.
OMG! I completely forgot. I could totally try posting at fanfictionkingdom. Duh.... I know the owner and I think she will allow me to post up random pairings and stuff.
I should try it out today.
P.S. I'll post up some shit with pics tomorrow. cause my camera isn't installed on this notebook.
and I dont want to post it up here cause people read this, and this isn't a fanfiction blog. so yeah.
I was thinking of doing. OrochimaruXKabuto slash. I love that pairing. master slave and crap. all I have to do is add some angst and it would be great exceedingly.
OMG! I completely forgot. I could totally try posting at fanfictionkingdom. Duh.... I know the owner and I think she will allow me to post up random pairings and stuff.
I should try it out today.
P.S. I'll post up some shit with pics tomorrow. cause my camera isn't installed on this notebook.
I'm in my room
That is right! I'm in my fucking room. Im on my moms laptop and I took her long loooonnnggg internet wire into my room. so I can spam my blog. >_< I love spamming my blog.
so I'll probably be on all night long. Note: My actual computer is in the living room.
so I'll probably be on all night long. Note: My actual computer is in the living room.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
philippine government.
listening to : love is blind - danger*gang
Mood: confused

I went to the kitchen to get a drink so I dont have to while making icons. when I looked at the tv screen. Tv patrol news show on TFC. was showing live coverage of S.W.A.T. teams trying to gain access to a hotel guarded by an army generals soldiers. This General escaped from jail twice. and now is a senator, trying to get to the presidential seat or something like that. I'm seriously confused.
Gabre ang gulo gulo ang pinas. SUPER!
GAH! I'll go back making pretty icons of pretty jrockers
Mood: confused
I went to the kitchen to get a drink so I dont have to while making icons. when I looked at the tv screen. Tv patrol news show on TFC. was showing live coverage of S.W.A.T. teams trying to gain access to a hotel guarded by an army generals soldiers. This General escaped from jail twice. and now is a senator, trying to get to the presidential seat or something like that. I'm seriously confused.
Gabre ang gulo gulo ang pinas. SUPER!
GAH! I'll go back making pretty icons of pretty jrockers
I see maya part II
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
alpha album!
listening to : Aoi tori - alice nine.
Mood: cold.
its cold. and I LOVE A9s new album!!! I <3>_<>_<
Mood: cold.
its cold. and I LOVE A9s new album!!! I <3>_<>_<
OMFG!! I'm downloading alpha right now! OMG! OMG! OMG!
12 tracks! 12 tracks!! I want this cd!!! >_<
12 tracks! 12 tracks!! I want this cd!!! >_<
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
MYV Cd 20% OFF at cdjapan!!!
OMG OMG OMG!!! i"m sooo going to buy it! it has a free poster for fuck sake!!! OMG!!! >_<
Nao updated!!
mood : hyper

He said that their pv like showed up on the shibuya tower monitor and they're finally releasing it tomorrrow. Blah blah blah.
I cant wait to download!! I so want to buy it but its too... expensive.
and yes I can read alittle hirgana. but I'm still working on it. >_<>_>
me being pissed,
Nao of alice nine,
stupid blog
Listening to : doresu(dress) - abingdon boys school
Mood: bouncy
college? I'll be graduating on March. and I have no idea what course I want to take. GAHH!!!
Oh watever. >_>
from my camera. not naos blog. just so you know.
Okay I was reading, well I was trying to. Okay maybe I was just staring at pictures. >_> more specifically this page
My little brother loves this page. Probably cause he really likes miyavi. He thinks hes awesome and crap. which is 100% true. I love 雅 he is just hot and hes awesome guitar skills. -drools- Okay I was staring at this page and I noticed how kool his hoodie is. now I want one. ><
My first ever jrock cd. which happenes to be O2Rs CD. ONE OK ROCK RULES!>_< I love them. I can't wait till their 1st full album gets sent to me. Its on its way actually. I'll probably get it umm... on the 3rd of December or early.
A9 is on my fucking mini display! YAY!!! i love them !
MONKEY! I was born in the year of the monkey. 1992.
this is the book I'm currently reading. The Professor by Charlotte Bronte. Awesome book. I can't stop reading it. >_> I wonder what kind of books saga-san reads. hmm....
My most favorite toy in the whole wide world. Its because It was given to me by my second mother. I love her soo much. >_<>_<>_<
Listening to : doresu(dress) - abingdon boys school
Mood: bouncy
college? I'll be graduating on March. and I have no idea what course I want to take. GAHH!!!
Oh watever. >_>
Okay I was reading, well I was trying to. Okay maybe I was just staring at pictures. >_> more specifically this page
one ok rock,
Monday, November 26, 2007
Listening to : 瑠璃の雨 -アリス九-add weird symbol that I cant read-
Mood: Occupied
Random post....
Look at all the people I have to thank for the favs and watch. I mean all i did was submit a feature and bang 130+ favs. >_>

I feel sorry for my 'cold & broken' deviation it hasn't had a fav yet, :(
Mood: Occupied
Random post....
Look at all the people I have to thank for the favs and watch. I mean all i did was submit a feature and bang 130+ favs. >_>

I feel sorry for my 'cold & broken' deviation it hasn't had a fav yet, :(
Listening to : 瑠璃の雨 -アリス九-add weird symbol that I cant read-
Mood: Occupied
okay, meh bored.
After posting a deviation on DA and posting this feature:
I ran out of thinks to do. >_>

I went to the mall to buy my sisters birthday presents at the bookshop with my mom. I Picked up blaze - Richard bach and a dan brown book and for me Oscar wildes, Importance of being Earnest and Lady somethings fan. I spent 20 dinars and 100 fils.

lets talk about my pretty sadie desktop. So black
A9s Alpha is coming out in 3 fucking days YAY!!! too bad I can't buy the CD. >_> its too fucking expensive to buy from the internet and they dont sell jrock here.
Look at my shous new wallpaper.

GACKT & HYDE IN MOON CHILD!!! OMG!! T_T yes, I'm a freak.
So many japanese words to learn! -faint- over 200. I'm a retard. I know.
Mood: Occupied
okay, meh bored.
After posting a deviation on DA and posting this feature:
I ran out of thinks to do. >_>

I went to the mall to buy my sisters birthday presents at the bookshop with my mom. I Picked up blaze - Richard bach and a dan brown book and for me Oscar wildes, Importance of being Earnest and Lady somethings fan. I spent 20 dinars and 100 fils.

lets talk about my pretty sadie desktop. So black

Look at my shous new wallpaper.

GACKT & HYDE IN MOON CHILD!!! OMG!! T_T yes, I'm a freak.

Sunday, November 25, 2007
Prints, Japanese and random stuff

Listening to : ^
Mood: I have a headache.
OMFG! I just found out how Saga made out with Shou, kissed Hiroto and molested Nao on fucking stage a loooonngg time ago. ;__;
I've been writing shit loads of romaji meaning in my flowery japanese notebook.
I've been trying to sell my art on DA for over a month and no one has bought anything -__-;
I hate my life.

I've noticed that my whole library contains about 4 GB of Jrock. Meaning I spent shit loads of money on downloading Jrock. >_<

Saturday, November 24, 2007
comment and shou spinning in a chair
Okay this is funny. It was obviously taken by a camera of a certain Saga. I think. >_<
Lol I watched this CD data comment
which was funnier. NAO AND SAGA are soo cute. Shou is just OMG! -faint-
alice nine,
Nao of alice nine,
sadie pics
Listening to: Umibe - L'arc~en~ciel
Mood: sleepy
Went all over the internet looking for sadie pics.
It was successful.
then I went to check what the hell 'umibe' means and got this seashore/sea side or beach. whatever. YAY! now I know one more japanese word. 100,000 to go. >_>
I'm soo tired. >_<>_<>_> Happy birthday big sis. she is 20. and Our second mother who has cancer in the Philippines just called her. YAY and she sounds completely okay.
I'm glad.
right now I'm reading a random comic. while, thinking I should update my own. >_>
Me bowling....
Went bowling yesterday. It was fun. I came in last on the first game and first on the second game. >_> 102 points yo.

then mom called and told me she was in the park next to it. >_<>_> and a coral beach club too.. >_> It was sad, when the dolphin resort burned down and killed a sea lion. poor sea lion. T_T now its all up and running once again. It was pretty noisy at the park. Its cause the US Navy threw a thanks giving concert, everyone over 18 was there. Shit, loads of local bands played there. It was in the coral beach club so we only heard the music. My sister watched it after the bowling game. she came home at 4. >_<
I was starving! and I had to wait 2 hours. >_> before we went to KFC.
While eating we watched a soccer game on the large screen tv, infront of us. Vietnam vs Qatar. Qatar won. GOD DAMN YOU! >_< I'm against all arabian teams. why? I don't know. maybe cause Saudi kicked Japans ass... which I cried about. I was soo disappointed. T_T
Mood: sleepy
Went all over the internet looking for sadie pics.
It was successful.
then I went to check what the hell 'umibe' means and got this seashore/sea side or beach. whatever. YAY! now I know one more japanese word. 100,000 to go. >_>
I'm soo tired. >_<>_<>_> Happy birthday big sis. she is 20. and Our second mother who has cancer in the Philippines just called her. YAY and she sounds completely okay.
I'm glad.
right now I'm reading a random comic. while, thinking I should update my own. >_>
Went bowling yesterday. It was fun. I came in last on the first game and first on the second game. >_> 102 points yo.
then mom called and told me she was in the park next to it. >_<>_> and a coral beach club too.. >_> It was sad, when the dolphin resort burned down and killed a sea lion. poor sea lion. T_T now its all up and running once again. It was pretty noisy at the park. Its cause the US Navy threw a thanks giving concert, everyone over 18 was there. Shit, loads of local bands played there. It was in the coral beach club so we only heard the music. My sister watched it after the bowling game. she came home at 4. >_<
While eating we watched a soccer game on the large screen tv, infront of us. Vietnam vs Qatar. Qatar won. GOD DAMN YOU! >_< I'm against all arabian teams. why? I don't know. maybe cause Saudi kicked Japans ass... which I cried about. I was soo disappointed. T_T
Friday, November 23, 2007
Mall +Bass + Arabic lessons + Manga + Food
Listening to: core - danger*gang
Mood: shity >_>*
Went to the mall yesterday at 16:00. For weldons birthday. We were the first ones there. Went to the CD store, 'why do I keep going there when I already know that they dont sell Jrock' I hate the middle east. then we went to the bookstore!! YAY! I <3

He waved at everyone! hahahaha and the Shark is sooooo ANNOYING! he pretended to fall on us and he scared the shit out of my sister and cousin. It was funny.

We stayed in the front of this cafe, calling everyone to ask if they were at mall yet. seriously people are late.... We stayed there for a few... looking out the window, taking pictures randomly. So I can add them to my scrap book. Since I have no life.

Look shoes! Mine are the clownly red ones. I love clowns. >_<
The circles 
After that came out wanting to go in again. >_> it was fun. then we went home. and I died on my bed. >_> actually I changed cleaned up, put stuff away then died.
anyways I'm working on this random landscape drawing, just for practice. Its all pink. I dont think it would be right to violate the references artist by showing off what I copied. >_> Yeah, I used large amounts of pink and black. >_> color pencils RULE!
SHIT! I'm suppose to me drawing a manga page. >_> I have to update tomorrow. >_>
first page.
I started a comic to improve my anime skills. It has worked so far.
Look... its me. (22-11-2007)

^_^ I currently got into Sugar and I couldn't stop listening to them
OMG! Gackts is my shous wallpaper.
I dont think I've ever posted a picture of my bass here. anyways.
I should seriously. Finish tabing Selfish love. >_>
My uncles went fruit shopping!!! >_>

Umm... Chicken Curry. I haven't had that in a looooong time.
woooah... Dejavu. I've seen this scene like when I was 12 or something. weird..... >_>
I'm going bowling with sisters. >_> I'm gonna kick their asses!!
Mood: shity >_>*
Went to the mall yesterday at 16:00. For weldons birthday. We were the first ones there. Went to the CD store, 'why do I keep going there when I already know that they dont sell Jrock' I hate the middle east. then we went to the bookstore!! YAY! I <3
He waved at everyone! hahahaha and the Shark is sooooo ANNOYING! he pretended to fall on us and he scared the shit out of my sister and cousin. It was funny.
We stayed in the front of this cafe, calling everyone to ask if they were at mall yet. seriously people are late.... We stayed there for a few... looking out the window, taking pictures randomly. So I can add them to my scrap book. Since I have no life.
Look shoes! Mine are the clownly red ones. I love clowns. >_<
After that came out wanting to go in again. >_> it was fun. then we went home. and I died on my bed. >_> actually I changed cleaned up, put stuff away then died.
anyways I'm working on this random landscape drawing, just for practice. Its all pink. I dont think it would be right to violate the references artist by showing off what I copied. >_> Yeah, I used large amounts of pink and black. >_> color pencils RULE!
SHIT! I'm suppose to me drawing a manga page. >_> I have to update tomorrow. >_>
first page.
Look... its me. (22-11-2007)
^_^ I currently got into Sugar and I couldn't stop listening to them
I dont think I've ever posted a picture of my bass here. anyways.
My uncles went fruit shopping!!! >_>
Umm... Chicken Curry. I haven't had that in a looooong time.
I'm going bowling with sisters. >_> I'm gonna kick their asses!!
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