Mood: sleepy
Went all over the internet looking for sadie pics.
It was successful.
then I went to check what the hell 'umibe' means and got this seashore/sea side or beach. whatever. YAY! now I know one more japanese word. 100,000 to go. >_>
I'm soo tired. >_<>_<>_> Happy birthday big sis. she is 20. and Our second mother who has cancer in the Philippines just called her. YAY and she sounds completely okay.
I'm glad.
right now I'm reading a random comic. while, thinking I should update my own. >_>
Went bowling yesterday. It was fun. I came in last on the first game and first on the second game. >_> 102 points yo.
then mom called and told me she was in the park next to it. >_<>_> and a coral beach club too.. >_> It was sad, when the dolphin resort burned down and killed a sea lion. poor sea lion. T_T now its all up and running once again. It was pretty noisy at the park. Its cause the US Navy threw a thanks giving concert, everyone over 18 was there. Shit, loads of local bands played there. It was in the coral beach club so we only heard the music. My sister watched it after the bowling game. she came home at 4. >_<
While eating we watched a soccer game on the large screen tv, infront of us. Vietnam vs Qatar. Qatar won. GOD DAMN YOU! >_< I'm against all arabian teams. why? I don't know. maybe cause Saudi kicked Japans ass... which I cried about. I was soo disappointed. T_T
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