雑誌!!Listening to : doresu(dress) - abingdon boys school
Mood: bouncy
college? I'll be graduating on March. and I have no idea what course I want to take. GAHH!!!
Oh watever. >_>

from my camera. not naos blog. just so you know.
Okay I was reading, well I was trying to. Okay maybe I was just staring at pictures. >_> more specifically this page

My little brother loves this page. Probably cause he really likes miyavi. He thinks hes awesome and crap. which is 100% true. I love 雅 he is just hot and hes awesome guitar skills. -drools- Okay I was staring at this page and I noticed how kool his hoodie is. now I want one. ><

My first ever jrock cd. which happenes to be O2Rs CD. ONE OK ROCK RULES!>_< I love them. I can't wait till their 1st full album gets sent to me. Its on its way actually. I'll probably get it umm... on the 3rd of December or early.

A9 is on my fucking mini display! YAY!!! i love them !


MONKEY! I was born in the year of the monkey. 1992.

this is the book I'm currently reading. The Professor by Charlotte Bronte. Awesome book. I can't stop reading it. >_> I wonder what kind of books saga-san reads. hmm....

My most favorite toy in the whole wide world. Its because It was given to me by my second mother. I love her soo much. >_<>_<>_<
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