mood: upset[ish]
listening to: a word never say - hikoboshi
since, I'm sorta not in a good mood. I'll get over it writing this.

Vocal: 宇 (Taka)
Guitar: 一馬 (Kazuma)
Guitar: 拓也 (Takuya)
Bass: 此大 (Shidai)
Drums: 純平 (Junpei)
I haven't downloaded anything of theirs. Cause i can't find anything. so I'm listening to their Myspace. hehe. They sound really good. I like how their songs have meaning without me understanding it. I just really like how they sound. Taka *thinks of taka of One ok rock* really has a unique voice.
I'm requesting their songs on LJ.
Myspace Official Home Page
殊 Koto [ex-Sugar]
HE DOES NOT LOOK LIKE A GIRL. >_> okay, maybe he does. But I don't think so as much.
No news from koto-san. >_> Oh well. I hope he joins a new band soon. I don't want him wasting his talent and his looks.
as one of his many fangirls I say. 'I miss koto!'
Yoshihiko [heidi.]
He looks soo KAWAII! I have this strong feeling to jump in the pc monitor to glomp yoshi-san. Lol. and the Large cd store hes in tempts me. and and and and their latest CD his holding is just so tempting to buy. Damn you yoshihiko and your temptation.
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