
Monday, March 10, 2008


mood: sleepy
listening to: Sky by Licker *the vocalist is the bassist and shes a GIRL!!!!* OMG! Its me over again. >_>

Its been years since I couldn't sleep like this. My mind was completely blank. I couldn't sleep for no focusing reason. I listened to some music while staring straight at the ceiling. I was COMPLETELY BLANK. I tried sleeping for an hour and nothing happened. When I just fell asleep and I kept waking up every 2 minutes. I kept on having a different dream about me being a Cabin attendant(stewardess) each time I woke up. I thinks its cause I watched too much Attention Please. >_> I woke up for the 7th time that hour and finally got up to drink water. when I hit the pillow I again. I was gone. lol

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