
Wednesday, March 19, 2008


mood: *i dont know how i feel*
listening to: 咎人の空(mental sketch modified) *Toganin no sora(mental sketch modified)* by Sugar

Its official we're not going anymore.
Once again. I will not experience something all my siblings will. big fucking deal.
Now, Father says he'll buy me a laptop instead. But I want to go to China aswell and they want us to choose. I mean... One laptop which will belong to me only. or a trip to China for everyone. I think the trip to china is better. Besides I need new shoes. and I DO NOT want to shop here. I blame my parents. When we were younger they would always make us wait till we go out of the country to buy new clothes. Now, that we're older we expect to buy clothes out of the country instead of this crappy piece of shit country. Its so small here that you can be caught wearing the same anything.

Fuck you.

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